OK...I saved this one to keep the sacredness of Christmas, but I now feel free to talk about it now. (Apologies to those celebrating Orthodox Christmas)
But I have to give Kelly a little slack . She did challenge Karl Rove when he claimed that Romney won (or at least wasn’t willing to accept the results every news organization was broadcasting)
And more importantly, I think there are several great arguments why Santa has to be white, but not because of Kelly’s reasons.
Consider the following questions as to why Santa “has” to be white:
- What kind of person can break into several homes in one night, and never be arrested?
- Who is able to drive well beyond recommended speed limits and not get ticketed?
- What kind of person would get all the glory/benefit for work that is done by people of another race (i.e. elves)?
- What kind of person would put animals above people? (Reindeers get Christmas songs, but you never hear a song about an elf!)
- Who, at least in the Netherlands (well, maybe not anymore), periodically tries to prove that “some of my best friends are black”?
- What kind of person is able to prosper simply by working just one night out of the year?
- Who regularly wears the same type of tacky clothing, year after year?
- What kind of person gets so much publicity for not actually doing much work?
- What kind of guys is always available, and desires, to have kids sit on his lap?
- Who can say “Ho! Ho! Ho!” and not be accused of misogyny?
- What kind of person visits poor neighborhoods once a year to give gifts, but spends most of his time in a private (and mostly white) community, away from such people?
- Who spends so much free time investigating the personal lives of children, and then be given the power to declare them “naughty” or “nice”?
- Who is seen in African American communities just a few days out of the year, and clearly does not live, shop, eat or worship there, and yet is still welcomed there time after time?
So have I made my case, or what?
Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year in 2014, everyone!
For the record, i am most certainly NOT against a non-white Santa, but doesn't the evidence suggest what the "real" one's ethnicity is? |
You stupid Jp, but okay you made your case.
You stupid Jp, but okay you made your case.
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