Please vote for our daughter Faith for Gerber’s baby photo contest on Facebook
, Nov-4 – Dec. 1!
NOYE: you may have to type in Faith's name to search. We live in Chicago.
Go to this website => which will redirect you to the Facebook page to vote for her. (that page is )
Why vote for Faith? She’s the quintessential Gerber baby for the 21st Century: a mix of African-American, Asian-American, Native American and European American. She's got a great smile, and a very happy, smart child with a bright future.
But more than that, she is a little miracle, literally from day 1.
She was born at 26 weeks (out of the normal 40) at just 1 ½ pounds (670 grams). This little miracle has suffered some pain early on so she can bring joy to the future.
Faith was trying to be like her big sister, Mia, who was born 8 years ago at 15 1/2 OUNCES (that would be ZERO pounds! Or 430 grams) at 23 1/2 weeks. Mia had several doctor visits, lots of medications, treatments and therapies over the next few years. But she is now a 3rd grader, and happy and healthy, and a great sister, influencing her sister and making her laugh and smile even more than usual.
34 months ago Faith was fighting for her life in the NICU. Two years ago (November 2011), she wasn't even able to turn over by herself. Now, Faith is in daycare, and has let me know on many occasion that she is a big girl!
There have been a few struggles and sacrifices (especially financially and professionally) over the years. Winning this contest would be a big blessing for our entire family.
Please vote for Faith at http://vote4Faith.Paulus.Me (that page is re-directed to!
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at